I have just submitted two patches to the Sanselan code tree.  These address 
issues a byte-order bug (Sanselan issue #54) and a speed enhancement (Sanselan 
issue #56).    I uploaded the patches as attachments to their associated issues.
Since I am new to using Subversion and the JIRA issue tracker, I am a bit 
concerned that I may not have submitted the changes correctly.   If someone has 
the time to verify that they were entered into the system correctly, I'd be 
The speed enhancement reduces the load time for TIFF images by about 40 
percent.  I believe that the same techniques could be used for some of the 
other, more popular, image formats.  So far I focused on TIFF images because 
that was the particular format I needed for my application.  If anyone thinks 
that this is worth pursuing for other image types, I am open to suggestions on 
where to start.
On another note, when I was looking at maven (something else to which I am new) 
I did not see a target for creating javadoc files.  Does this need to be added 
to the pom.xml file?  
Computer Programming is the Art of the Possible
Gary W. Lucas
Sonalysts, Inc.
215 Parkway North
Waterford, CT 06385
(860) 326-3682
41-22-12.35 N / 72-10-07.54 W  (USNG/MGRS:  18T YL 36787 83711)

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