On 05/18/2012 02:17 PM, Ross Gardler wrote:
> (moved to dev@community.apache.org)
> On 18 May 2012 02:02, Shane Curcuru <a...@shanecurcuru.org> wrote:
>> Is there anyone tied to the style or layout here that I might offend? 8-)
I find it easy enough to navigate, and the colors and so on are nice,
but my overall feeling is that it's too...spacious, for lack of a better
word. Style-wise, you could perhaps use a slightly smaller font for the
headings, as they seem to be way off compared to the actual text.
Perhaps the links could be incorporated into the headings (or the
headings could become bullet points), so it becomes even more obvious
that this and that information is something you should now choose between.
>> - Broader and more explanatory/welcoming intro section
I actually like how it's straight and to the point. The introduction
should say something about "what is this page for, and why should I be
looking at it", but not a whole lot more. If it becomes too long, then
people will more likely tend to simply ignore the introduction.
>> - Better and more frequent mention of this mailing list and other mailing
>> lists.  We need to make it really easy to draw people into the appropriate
>> list(s) so they can start the conversation.
I completely agree. People need to be aware of the mailing list AND the
community site the minute they decide to contribute to Apache, as
there's quite a lot of useful information to be found there. On a
different note, there's a small error on
http://community.apache.org/mentorprogrammeapplication.html wherein the
mailing list address is written as
"mailto:dev-subscr...@community.apache.org.html"; (the html should
probably be removed ;) ).

And last but perhaps not least, the copyright notice should be updated
to display 2012 instead of 2011 :)

With regards,

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