
We, the Apache Training PPMC, would like to tell you about an important
update by which you can promote & train people on your Apache project:
We're opening up commit access to all Apache committers.

We at Apache build all sorts of great software. Some people even create
training projects for Apache projects.
With the enormous pace of most of the projects, it's almost impossible to
keep training material up-to-date.
And even if you might know a given project, preparing training material
might be too much.
Also, even if you are a great coder, whipping up cool presentations might
not be your favourite thing to do.

Apache Training was created especially to help with all of this.

We created a framework for creating presentations in a coder friendly way
with features like versioning, tagging etc.
It is a RevealJS based presentation-framework using Asciidoctor; A
Markdown-like format but with a lot more control over the output and
additional features.
The primary supported build system is Maven. However, if you prefer, you
can also build your presentation with Ruby and Node.JS (The latter two are
still experimental).

The output is a Browser-based presentation with a dedicated speaker view,
which also allows exporting your presentation into PDF format for

We would like to make Apache Training the place you look first if you are
in need of Apache related training or presentation material.

As you probably know your projects best, who would be better suited to help
with creating this material, if not you?

*Important Update*
That's why the Apache Training PPMC has turned on the commit permissions
for all Apache committers.

We trust that you will use these rights wisely. However, we do have one
If you want to contribute to the fundamental presentation framework and the
tooling, please use PRs.
But when it comes to content, feel free to add and/or edit content for your
projects inside the 'content' directory as you see fit.
Please however exercise common sense about whether or not a PR is
appropriate, when changing content that other people created.

It seems that we can only grant all committers commit access on gitbox
and not on Github, so be sure to set our gitbox repo as "upstream" when
trying to commit:

*Please see this link for samples*
https://github.com/apache/incubator-training/tree/develop/content <

*Easy Steps to Create a Presentation*
To get you started in no-time, we provide Maven archetypes for generating
your presentation skeleton. In order to use this please just run:

mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.training
-DarchetypeArtifactId=content-archetype -DarchetypeVersion=1.0.0

This will ask you for a group-id, artifact-id, version and a package-name
and as soon as you have provided them, will generate your new presentation.

To now build the presentation, change into the freshly created directory
and run:

mvn package

You can then run your presentation by opening the following file in your


We hope Apache Training will help you and your projects.

*The Apache Training (incubating) PPMC*

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