I would like to help out with the task listed at
Want to help. Africa needs all that Apache can offer and more. It is also
has the most untapped IT talent in the world.
We need to make the connextions work and your project is a great start
things. In-hospital and also for procurement though an outside company
stationed in the Namibia EPZ in Walvis Bay.
The same topic was raised a while ago. They were referred to look at the
http://ctakes.apache.org/ project.
Hope this helps
Frans Badenhorst
Mike Drob
18 Sep
to dev
Thank you Chris I will contact Jane Wyngaard and see if ee can get it
going. The is no doubt a need here for it.
Kind regards
Frans Badenhorst
On 22 May 2016 19:45, "Mattmann, Chris A (3980)" <
chris.a.mattm...@jpl.nasa.gov> wrote:
> Thank Frans. You may want to contact
need help to get
this off the ground.
If you have any ideas I will really appreciate it.
Frans Badenhost
Frans Badenhorst
On 19 May 2016 at 17:17, Sharan Foga wrote:
> Hi All
> I'm interested in finding out how we could encourage more women to
> participate on