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От: Zhanhui Li
Date: пт, 16 сент. 2022 г. в 18:17
Subject: [VOTE]: Release Apache RocketMQ C# SDK 5.0.0 RC1
Hello RocketMQ Community,
This is the vote for 5.0.0 of Apache RocketMQ
er, volunteer, board member, founder, etc
> - year joined
> [...]
> What it’s not: social score, that’s not what I’m proposing.
Well, OK.
I share the same concerns as were stated earlier by Daniel Ferradal,
but as what is proposed is not a KPI of some sort, then OK. I agree.
It also needs
Generally, it is possible to rewrite a project's history ("git commit
--amend" to edit a commit message, followed by a forced push). It has
consequences, it is frowned upon, but it is technically possible.
It is also possible to create an empty commit (containing only a
Konstantin Kolinko updated COMDEV-358:
Comment: was deleted
(was: The "Components" field in this issue is empty. It
Konstantin Kolinko commented on COMDEV-358:
The "Components"
Konstantin Kolinko commented on COMDEV-102:
HTTP/2 protocol suppor
Konstantin Kolinko commented on COMDEV-26:
HTTP/2 protocol support (a succe
Konstantin Kolinko commented on COMDEV-25:
JSR196 support (aka JASPIC)
cense for the
> Thanks
> Jacques
Some formal typographic conventions.
Wikipedia has a long article on the subject of spacing between sentences
Best regards,
Konstantin Kolinko
to distinguish it from Perl programming language as a whole.
Also HTTP in that list to be spelled "HTTP Server"
Best regards,
Konstantin Kolinko
To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-unsubscr...@community.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: dev-h...@community.apache.org
e process.
Generic help:
Best regards,
Konstantin Kolinko
Tomcat" in the search box at [2] and press
Enter), they are listed.
Technically, my Google account is the owner of projects registered by
Apache Tomcat PMC.
[2] https://code.google.com/a/apache-extras.org/hosting/
Best regards,
Konstantin Kolinko
2015-07-13 23:00 GMT+03:00 Ross Gardler
become a mirror" - does not say anything about captchas,
though it says "Your mirror must not be shown "inside" another site
using, for instance, frames."
Best regards,
Konstantin Kolinko
points to ACNA2014.
It should point to ACNA2015.
A couple of minor typos:
Duplicate 'CategoryHomepage' category in the footer.
Best regards,
Konstantin Kolinko
> It seems as if at some point the editing was made in ACNA15 and later in
> FrontPage.
and (after the vote passes) to "svn move" it into /release
Best regards,
Konstantin Kolinko
er way to interact with other TLPs
> without subscribing,
AFAIK, it has recently become possible,
> but mail is good enough for me... Not my itch to
> scratch
Best regards,
Konstantin Kolinko
t;Contact Administrators"
-> http://www.apachebookstore.com/confluence/oss/administrators.action
An interesting effort, but the site looks somewhat outdated and
unmaintained. The latest listed books are from year 2008.
Best regards,
Konstantin Kolinko
The form submits to "make_doap.cgi".
Googling for "make_doap.cgi site:apache.org" locates the source code.
Best regards,
Konstantin Kolinko
when people ask on public dev@ lists and
one has nowhere to point to publicly. I think if such announcements
were dubbed by blog posts, it would solve the problem.
I could reply to OP in my own words, but I thought that doing that
will misrepresent the situation. My apologies.
Best regards,
On behalf of the Apache Infrastructure Team
There were also messages on the infrabot twitter channel,
The network status page [1] works for me, but it shows JIRA service in
green while the actual JIRA site responds with "Maintenance in
progress" web page.
Best regards,
Konstantin Kolinko
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