Hi Antón,

Excellent initiative! I would be more than happy to mentoring the students
or helping on any way.

El El jue, 21 sept 2017 a las 16:07, Antón R. Yuste <an...@galiglobal.com>

> Hi all,
> We (the VigoJUG) are running a collaboration program (pro bono work)
> with the University of Vigo (Spain) to introduce students to Open Source
> projects as part of the end of their studies. It's the equivalent to two
> full signatures. The idea is to do a proof of concept with two students
> this year and open it to more of them in the following courses if it's a
> success.
> We would like to choose some of the ASF projects and we know the ASF has
> been involved in a few student programs, mostly Google
> Summer of Code but also a few others directly with universities. So we
> would like to know more about it if it makes sense in our case.
> In our opinion the program is a win-win for everyone:
>   * Students from UVigo: evangelize open-source and get real experience.
>   * Senior Engineers from VigoJUG: get familiar with interesting
>     projects + help new engineers in our area.
>   * Teachers from UVigo: they have interest in many projects of the ASF
>     but they are a bit lost, this is a great opportunity for them to
>     know more and look for new opportunities of collaboration.
>   * ASF: some fresh blood to some projects :-)
> We would need from the ASF:
>   * Some projects to work with. Issues related to automate performance
>     tests or profiling would be great because they have little impact in
>     the project and we have some experience on that and running some
>     workshops on that.
>   * Some initial mentorship. It should be little work, most of the
>     mentoring should be done by the senior engineers of the VigoJUG but
>     some initial guidance would be very helpful.
> I'm not familiar with this list (yet) so I hope this email is fine here :-)
> Best regards,
> Antón

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