
>     On October 19, 2018 at 4:18 AM r...@gardler.org wrote:
>     +1 to both Shane and Myrle's input here.
>     The Apache Way is all about consensus building in order to maximize the 
> potential for collaboration between partners. It is impossible to drive 
> consensus within a community of individuals without enabling them to be a 
> part of the whole process. Large code drops equate to a statement of "this is 
> the way it is - my way or the highway". It is not a model for consensus 
> building.
>     However, there are other models in which vendors define direction. Shane 
> refers to these as "maintainer led" but I think that is too general, I prefer 
> the more specific vendor led, because it is possible to have a consensus 
> driven maintainer led project.
>     Vendor led and the Apache Way are different models. One scales the 
> community very well (Apache Way) and is ideal for building frameworks and/or 
> components from which products are built. The other (vendor led) doesn't 
> scale so well but is ideal for building highly focused products. The Apache 
> Way maximizes the opportunity for cross-organizational collaboration and thus 
> drives combinatorial innovation. Vendor led limits the scope of the 
> collaboration but allows one to target a more clearly defined customer base.
>     The trick to success is ensuring that you are using the right model for 
> the right parts of the open source ecosystem. There is no single model for 
> governance of open source, success comes from understand when and how to 
> apply different models to different parts of your software solution.
>     Ross
>     -----Original Message-----
>     From: Shane Curcuru <a...@shanecurcuru.org>
>     Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2018 8:26 PM
>     To: Apache Community Development <dev@community.apache.org>; Apache 
> Fineract Dev <d...@fineract.apache.org>
>     Subject: Re: Why are large code drops damaging to a community?
>     Myrle Krantz wrote on 10/18/18 7:18 AM:
>         > > 
> >         Hey all,
> > 
> >         There are many forms of offlist development. One form of offlist
> >         development is working on large code drops in private and then
> >         contributing them all at once. Threshold size is probably arguable,
> >         and varies by project; put that aside for the moment. I've been
> >         working on an explanation of how large code drops damage community 
> > and
> >         code. I'd love to hear your feedback. I'm including my project and
> >         the dev@community list in the hopes that people from other projects
> >         also have a perspective. Here it goes:
> > 
> >     > 
>     Thanks Myrle for an excellent writeup, including details of how large 
> code drops harm Apache style open communities. This is a great set of 
> examples showing the "why" behind the ASF's requirement that the whole 
> community be allowed to participate in *all* parts of a project's technical 
> development.
>     The requirement for an open and consensus-driven development process at 
> the ASF doesn't just impact the individual perspective - which you've covered 
> in detail in your post. More importantly, it impacts the whole
>     *community* ownership feeling of an Apache project.
>     This is a key difference I see between Apache projects and maintainer-led 
> projects. There are many examples of maintainer projects with issues, 
> successes, whatever. But they primarily focus on how a handful of maintainers 
> are struggling to keep their project growing for the benefit of all their 
> users.
>     The issue is the mindset of "maintainers". An Apache project should have 
> the entire community of contributors feeling like they have a stake in the 
> project, that they can help build new ideas, and that they
>     *share* as a whole group the direction of the project. While much of the 
> actions are the same, my point is about the feeling of ownership.
>     It's not just a few "maintainers" driving things; it's *everyone* who's a 
> committer (and hopefully soon, many of the contributors who get voted in).
>     Offlist development prevents this truly shared sense of ownership from 
> developing, which is why it's prohibited for Apache projects.
>     ...snip...
>         > > 
> >         Open source projects require transparency, not just as a moral 
> > value,
> >         but as a pragmatic prerequisite for collaboration. Offlist
> >         development damages the community *and* the code.
> > 
> >     > 
>     More to the point, repeated significant offlist development will attract 
> the attention of the ASF board, which may well take direct action to prevent 
> that kind of behavior from happening going forward. One advantage of the 
> ASF's independent governance is that it can enforce the core open development 
> model that's a key part of the Apache Way.
>     Note that I'm struggling to find where "offlist development is forbidden" 
> is explicitly called out on the apache.org website, so pointers to existing 
> places that *explain* this core concept and why it's important are 
> appreciated.
>     My attempt to explain how open development works is here:
>     http://shaneslides.com/apachecon/TheApacheWay-ApacheConNA2018.html#24
>         * Telegraph your intent: email dev@ with your *ideas* ahead of time.
>           This allows feedback, encouragement, someone else to point out 
> similar code is already over there, etc.
>         * Draft designs openly. Put the rough first draft on the 
> wiki/website/dev@ list, and then do your edits *in public*. This allows 
> feedback on the architecture as it's being built, and again, gets better 
> ideas. It also allows a sense of community ownership.
>         * Submit work in chunks (add: on a regular and frequent basis). 
> Checkin the shell of the API. Then checkin each section of implementation. If 
> you're waiting for your code to look perfect before showing anyone else, 
> you're not really helping the community. Doing the development in the open 
> allows for... you guessed it, feedback.
>         * Welcome feedback along the way. This doesn't mean you need to 
> accept every change request or suggestion. But it does mean you can take the 
> best ideas from the whole community to add them easily, as the individual 
> bits of work are being done.
>     --
>         * Shane
>           ComDev PMC
>           The Apache Software Foundation
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