Hi Sally,

(my comments are not directed at you - I do not envy your task)

While publicly I will continue to speak positively regarding the ASF and what 
it stands for, my tenure as the VP/Chair of the CloudStack has left me very 
disillusioned indeed.

I always found the project's PMC voting for itself, on who got to be committers 
and who would represent the project as VP to be high-handed and reminiscent of 
an old-boys-club.

But having gone through that, I see the ASF board and membership is the same, 
except even more aloof.  I find it quite bemusing that the ASF's Ruling Elite 
try to find ways for the commoners to create more/better communities.  I also 
suspect that if there weren't so many who have 'jobs for life' they would have 
learnt to behave much better towards each other or have been removed.

And to cap it all, I would suggest that of the current short-term officers, I 
have been one of the more present around the board, and yet when the end of the 
year comes, I'm told that I am no longer useful and that I should go back to 
not speaking unless I'm spoken to. The alternative given was to somehow block 
anyone else from taking the VP position.  It doesn't seem like the MO of a 
group that is really interested in any kinds of change, let alone diversity.

Ultimately, my point is that I think that 'Inspiring and Engaging' needs to 
start at the top, and my experience over the last year was neither.

Thank you for your time,
Kind regards,

Paul Angus
CloudStack PMC member.


-----Original Message-----
From: Sally Khudairi <s...@apache.org> 
Sent: 10 March 2020 11:10
To: committ...@apache.org
Subject: Re: Inspiring and engaing the greater Apache Community

Gold star to Jörg Schmidt for catching the paste error:

> Together we are stewarding more than 2M lines of code

That's *200M* not 2M 😇

Hats off to Jarek Potiuk for stepping up to write the next "Success at Apache" 

Thanks, everyone! 

- - -
Vice President Marketing & Publicity
Vice President Sponsor Relations
The Apache Software Foundation

Tel +1 617 921 8656 | s...@apache.org

On Tue, Mar 10, 2020, at 02:01, Sally Khudairi wrote:
> Hello Apache Committers —I hope this note finds you all well.
> With more than six dozen releases, 31K+ commits and nearly 11M changed 
> lines of code, it's been a busy year for us thus far.
> Our Community at-large is stronger than ever, growing to ~7,500 
> Committers and counting. Together we are stewarding more than 2M lines 
> of code across 300+ projects, and advancing our mission to provide 
> Open Source software for the public good.
> The ASF is going from strength to strength: thank you for helping 
> contribute to our collective success! #Teamwork
> We care deeply about our community and are particularly concerned 
> about those impacted by the global coronavirus crisis: our thoughts 
> are with everyone during this difficult time. The Foundation has 
> issued a Statement on the COVID-19 Coronavirus Outbreak
> https://s.apache.org/COVID-19 ; some Apache events have been cancelled 
> or postponed as a result https://s.apache.org/zgm8m . Please, if you 
> are organizing an event, consider holding it virtually, or postponing 
> if possible. Safety first.
> Apache Committers' diverse backgrounds, interests, skillsets, and 
> professional knowledge helps us make a difference in the lives of 
> billions around the world. Bringing communities closer through Apache 
> software is both exciting and rewarding.
> Our community is expanding quickly and we’d love your participation! 
> Here’s are some ways to get involved and grow with us:
>  - Celebrate innovation: 26 March marks the ASF's 21st Anniversary. 
> The "Apache Way" of community-led development is how we grew from 
> overseeing a single project to becoming the world's largest Open 
> Source foundation. Join us in celebrating our success with your local 
> communities and helping spread the word on social media.
>  - Know what’s happening: get the latest Foundation news and updates 
> from hundreds of Apache projects by subscribing to 
> annou...@apache.org; those who prefer to skim the archives may do so 
> at https://lists.apache.org/list.html?annou...@apache.org . Learn 
> about the new Security Report, latest Quarterly Operations Summary, 
> project announcements, weekly news round-ups, monthly digests, and 
> more. Check out the Apache blogs at https://blogs.apache.org/ and if 
> you're on Twitter, follow @TheASF, along with the feeds of many Apache 
> projects and their communities.
>  - Boost your visibility: consider writing a "Success at Apache" post 
> that highlights your personal experience with the people and processes 
> behind why Apache "just works”. Showcase how the Apache Way has 
> benefited your project by writing a "Project Perspectives" post. Read 
> our stories, and see how your experience can help inspire others.
> https://s.apache.org/SuccessAtApache
>  - Get involved with the Apache Community: there are many ways to 
> participate, from engaging with Open Source enthusiasts, orienting new 
> committers, helping run ASF events, mentoring GSoC students, 
> encouraging broader participation through Diversity & Inclusion, 
> staffing the Apache booth at conferences, and so much more.
> http://community.apache.org/
>  - Promote your project: is the project's logo up at 
> http://apache.org/logos ? Is its description listed at 
> http://projects.apache.org/ ? Do you have a Powered by Apache or 
> #LoveApache badge http://apache.org/foundation/press/kit/#badges ? Do 
> you share your releases on annou...@apache.org ?
>  - Support Apache: now is a great time for your employer to consider 
> becoming an ASF Sponsor, or consider making an individual contribution 
> yourself!  http://apache.org/foundation/contributing.html
> We look forward to your connecting with the greater Apache community, 
> sharing your knowledge, and contributing to the ASF's history.
> Warmest thanks,
> Sally
> - - -
> Vice President Marketing & Publicity
> Vice President Sponsor Relations
> The Apache Software Foundation
> Tel +1 617 921 8656 | s...@apache.org

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