Respected Cordova Community

My apologies if this mail doesn't meet the standard of this mailing list.
Following the instructions from the Cordova page I'd like to introduce
myself, and more importantly a potential project.  My name is Animesh ND, a
student of PES University, India, and I'd like to make a proposal.

Google Summer of Code is coming up, and I'd like to suggest a project for
it, before applying for the same. The idea is simple, I'd like to make a
plugin-maker for Cordova, making the art of developing plugins, easier and
more available to the general user base of Cordova.

In my experience with the amazing framework I have noticed the distinct
lack of plugin developers, and I want to change that. I am familiar with
android and thus plan to make this for android only (for the time being).

tl;dr: I'm an Indian college kid who wants to do something cool in my
summer, and give back to the community that gave so much to me. So I'd like
to make developing plugins easier by developing a plugin-maker that
automates the tedious tasks, and allows developers to focus on what's
required. I'd also prefer if this is done as a GSOC project, which I can
partake in.

Thanks for the amazing work done with Cordova.
Animesh ND.

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