
Hi Michael, thanks for pointing that out. I've just made a change to master
to fix the docs. The correct value is "bundle".

I don't think you'll be able to do what you want though. This location is
read-only. What you could do instead is copy your assets to the PERSISTENT
filesystem directory on start-up and then set your start page to there.

On Tue, May 6, 2014 at 12:43 AM, Michael Stanford <mich...@stanford.cc>wrote:

> Thanks for this Andrew.
> In an iOS Cordova app, I would like to read and write the to the app
> bundle directory. I think. What I mean is, in my HTML I have something like
> '<img src="images/wally.jpg">'.
> I would like to read and write to that "images" directory from my
> javascript.
> I am assuming that for this I need the "bundle" or "app-bundle" file
> system, but I can't figure out how to get this, I won't burden you with all
> the foolish attempts I have made to achieve this, but I would be very
> grateful if you could send me an example line of Javascript that achieves
> this end.
> Thanks in advance,
> Michael.
> P.S. I am probably misreading your documentation (
> http://plugins.cordova.io/#/package/org.apache.cordova.file), but I am
> confused that under "Configuring the plugin" you have:
>         <preference name="iosExtraFilesystems"
> value="library,library-nosync,documents,documents-nosync,cache,bundle,root"
> />
> which as you can see references "bundle", while under 'iOS' you have:
>         app-bundle: The application's bundle; the location of the app
> itself on disk
> which references "app-bundle." Are these the same thing? Are they what I
> think they are (e.g. app-bundle/js/* would list all the files in the js
> directory)?
> And if they are, how would I access them programmatically?

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