Hi everyone,

Thanks to the help of the committer team, we've made significant strides
towards closing out many of our test case failures over the past month.
(Sorry for the lack of mailing list updates - I've been busy with other
tasks.) A full 8 test case issues were squashed since my last report! :)

However, we still need to close out the remaining few failing test cases
before we can get v2.1 out the door. We also have a select few open 
issues that should be resolved before that release goes out as well.

I've taken the liberty of moving candidate GH issue tickets into the
2.1.0 milestone, where we can treat them as release blockers:


13 of these 17 issues are test case related. I'm convinced that some of
them (like #554) can probably be worked around by temporarily disabling
the test case, but others (like #552 and #548) need more careful eyes
on them to fix likely race conditions.

A couple of issues (like #617) didn't make the cut, but if people are
willing to push on them, they could easily be included.

A word on automated packaging for testing: I can't enable these builds
until the test suite runs cleanly regularly. We further have an issue
with ASF build infrastructure occasionally refusing to run our Docker
images correctly. We could resolve this if anyone is willing to donate
some build machines for Apache CouchDB official use. Please contact me
off-list if you are able to help sponsor build machines.

One final point is whether or not we include the replicator scheduler in
the 2.1 release. Right now, 2.1 is forked prior to that change. I know
the feature's received a lot of interest from the user base, but I worry
about this relatively untested code being included. Has Cloudant done
more extensive testing on this code they can share with us? For
instance, is the code in production anywhere? This might help tilt the
balance towards inclusion.

Now's the time for the final push. It'd be fantastic if we could get
this release out by end of July at the latest.

Please help fix bugs and review this release proposal!


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