
Well, we're basically where we were last week.

We have 2 blocker bugs (segfaults in couchjs SM60 on x86_64 is reopened, and the BEAM VM hangs).

We have 2 new core dumps from couchjs SM60 x86_64 that are in the reopened ticket.

Recent critical patches to Erlang 20/21/22 did *not* fix the VM hangs, but it seems that our soak tests on Erlang 20 don't crash this way. Blacklisting 21/22 is an option, but not one we should rush into.

Any help tracking down these bugs very much appreciated.


On 2020-01-15 22:15, Peng Hui Jiang wrote:
Hi Joan, Deni and others,

While waiting for provision and getting ready for soak test against SM 60 using ppc64le environment,
I would like to pick up below one to across the finish line.

* #1783 needs attention; Tony Sun was the original developer here and
   we're hoping someone can carry his work across the finish line


Best regards,
Peng Hui

Inactive hide details for Joan Touzet ---2020/01/16 04:45:50 AM---Hi Deni and others, Since you last sent this, a few things haJoan Touzet ---2020/01/16 04:45:50 AM---Hi Deni and others, Since you last sent this, a few things have happened:

From: Joan Touzet <woh...@apache.org>
To: dev@couchdb.apache.org
Date: 2020/01/16 04:45 AM
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: CouchDB 3.0 Update - Jan 15


Hi Deni and others,

Since you last sent this, a few things have happened:

* We found ongoing, persistent crashes in couchjs after upgrading to
   SpiderMonkey 60. The bulk of these appear to have been removed by
   disabling the Ion JIT. The rest appear relegated to a specific
   architecture (arm64), where we need to enforce running against
   1.8.5 for now. Paul is working this one through #2449.

* In CI runs we're seeing hung Erlang beam.smp processes, consuming
   100% CPU. We have a traceback from Nick's laptop as well. It's not
   clear this is entirely related to couchjs crashing, especially because
   it's happening on FreeBSD when Jenkins attempts to kill off CouchDB
   forcibly during a test run. This is being tracked in #2437.

There are a couple of new tickets:

* #1783 needs attention; Tony Sun was the original developer here and
   we're hoping someone can carry his work across the finish line

* #2435/#2218 covers documentation work that must be done before 3.0 can
   release. There's quite a lot of this, unfortunately, and a separate
   milestone has been created in the documentation repository to track
   it: https://github.com/apache/couchdb-documentation/milestone/1
   I'm about 75% of the way done with the Release Notes PR, but it is
   still draft status and not yet ready to be reviewed.

* #1927 is a nice-to-have that will make our RC process cleaner, but
   isn't mandatory. Am hoping Dave can help with this, but if not I can
   give some attention once the documentation work is in hand.

* #2457 is a chore to just add a few missed default config params to the
   default.ini file we ship.

* (pending) Our Docker and packaging repos need to be updated with the
   outcome of the SpiderMonkey changes that have been made. The goal is
   to use SM60 if possible, reverting to 1.8.5 when it is not available
   upstream or if there are platform-specific bugs (as with arm64).

On 2020-01-08 16:55, Denitsa Burroughs wrote:
 > Hi all,
 > Thanks to everyone who contributed with closing the remaining 3.0 roadmap
 > items/epics. We are getting very close to RC! There are a couple of
> outstanding lower level issues that also need to be addressed and any help
 > here would be greatly appreciated. I am adding owners to each issue based
> on the comments in the ticket but please feel free to let me know if that's
 > incorrect.
 > Here's a link to the 3.0.0 Milestone
 > <https://github.com/apache/couchdb/milestone/5 >. There are currently 6
 > items on the list:
 > #2404 3.0 build is broken on Microsoft Windows
 > <https://github.com/apache/couchdb/issues/2404 > Joan has a fix
 > #2391 update rebar.config with latest module tags
 > <https://github.com/apache/couchdb/issues/2391 >  - Need a
 > decision/consensus on the approach. Adam/Jan?
 > #1783 fix empty queries <https://github.com/apache/couchdb/pull/1783 > -
 > Tony?
 > #2393 fix(#2143): allow env var overrides for js query server config
 > <https://github.com/apache/couchdb/pull/2393 >- blocked by #2404. Joa
 > #2218  Deprecation list for 3.0 (release notes compilation)
 > <https://github.com/apache/couchdb/issues/2218 > - Doc ticket
 > #1927 build: stop propagating RC tags into erlang apps
 > <https://github.com/apache/couchdb/pull/1927 > - Dave/Joan?
 > Any other issues that need to be tagged for 3.0?
 > Thanks,
 > Deni

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