For the YTEX port, I've taken a few baby steps ... I've filed some jira
tickets with patches:
 and CTAKES-252 <>, more
coming soon.

I have a question regarding testing: it seems to me that the old analysis
engines all use xml descriptors, whereas the newer analysis engines appear
to be using uimafit.  I understand why that's the case, but the dissonance
between the development & user directory structures makes it very difficult
to write portable tests and portable xml-based ae configs: for a 'user'
install, everything under desc is in the classpath, whereas for the
developer install, none of the desc directories are in the classpath.

When I'm writing an XML-based aggregate AE config, I prefer to import
delegate AEs by name instead of location as resolving files by classpath is
much more flexible than resolution by file paths.  Can we add the desc
directories to the maven-surefire-plugin classpath (as is done with
resources) so that the classpath is consistent across developer/user



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