
When you get some time, can you look at what I've done in the JMS transport to 
make sure it's all OK and doesn't introduce some massive scalability issue?

Basically, I now call the message observer directly from the 
onMessage(JMSMessage)  call.   This means its called on the thread that the 
JMS queue provides instead of from the CXF calling thread.    Right now, if 
it's a synchronous invoke, I left the "wait()" in place on the main thread, 
but that's really not needed.    It could return immediately as the 
ClientImpl will then wait if it's supposed to be synchronous.   I mostly left 
it there due to the jmsTemplate.getReceiveTimeout() thing.   If we return, 
the timeout would need to be configured on the client itself,  which might 
not be a bad thing.   Not really sure.    Maybe the default could be 
RECEIVE_TIMEOUT_NO_WAIT and only wait on that main thread if it's set 
otherwise?   I don't really know, not my area of expertise.

I guess my main concern is if it's OK to process the response on the JMS 
provided thread.   Is that part of a thread pool or similar?   If not, we'll 
need to throw it on a workqueue.   That's easy enough to do, but I wanted to 
hear from you first.

Daniel Kulp

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