The policy is applied but not embedded from memory.  When you define the
ref to the policy in the @WebService its embedded, both uri and also spring
bean refs.

Since the policy annotations in web services suited me i did not pursue why
it was not being embedded very far.
On 19/11/2013 7:07 AM, "Oliver Wulff" <> wrote:

> Hi there
> I've configured a server side policy using the jaxws:feature. I thought
> the generated WSDL will contain them independently whether the policy is
> embedded in the wsdl deployed statically on the service provider side or
> added as a jaxws:feature.
> Is this by intention?
> Thanks
> Oli
> ------
> Oliver Wulff
> Blog:<>
> Solution Architect
> <>Talend Application Integration Division

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