With 10 binding +1 votes and 2 non-binding +1 votes and no other votes, this 
vote passes.

+1 binding: dkulp, eglynn, apaibir, bmargulies, seanoc, wjiang, jgenender, 
ubhole, pjones, gmazza
+1 committer: sberyozkin  (will be binding shortly ;-)
+1 other: pcarvalho

Welcome aboard Christian!

On Friday 19 September 2008 9:28:30 am Daniel Kulp wrote:
> Christian has been doing quite a bit of very good work doing an almost
> "ground up" re-write of the JMS transport which is a very challenging and
> complicated task.
> He's done quite a bit of work documenting various JMS things on the Wiki
> and even wrote an article about how to integrate the Camel transport into
> CXF.
> He's also been very good about talking about his ideas on the dev list,
> responding to user queries about the areas he's familiar with, etc...
> Basically, I think he's already been a valuable asset to the project and
> has earned a spot as a committer.
> [  ] +1
> [  ] -1
> Vote will remain open for at least 72 hours.

Daniel Kulp

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