
Is there any specific reason why ServletDestination overrides 
AbstractHttpDestination.getBaseAddress() ?

As far as I can see ServletDestination.getBaseAddress() has a bug in that it 
loses part of the address, specifically, the one specified as part of 
(CXF)Servlet url pattern.

For ex, given a request like http://localhost/mywebapp/services/someaddress, 
where /mywebapp is a context path, /services is part of a /services/* url 
pattern and /someaddress is a jaxws or jaxrs endpoint address as specified in 
Spring, ServletDestination.getBaseAddress() will return /mywebapp/someaddress, 
while AbstractHTTPDestination.getBaseAddress() correctly returns 

I'm tempted to remove ServletDestination.getBaseAddress() - and hope the tests 
will pass - but is tehre sometying I should be aware of when attempting to 
remove it ?

Cheers, Sergey

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