fedora 40 gets illegal instruction in podman and docker on npm. fedora 39 works

2024-06-05 Thread Mike Beckerle
Strange issue. I have found that using fedora 39 fixes this. So the rest of this may be TL;DR. This is more for posterity on our dev list in case someone else runs into similar issues. So I'm trying to build a release candidate, I'm using a computer, running ubuntu 22.04, just an older laptop I

Re: [DISCUSS] Release Daffodil 3.8.0

2024-06-05 Thread Mike Beckerle
So 72 hours have elapsed on this discussion. Steve suggested a couple ticket's PRs be merged before the release, and those have been merged, so based on that and lack of any further discussion I will volunteer to be the release manager, and will create an RC1 and bring it up for evaluation and vot