In the last few days, some very cool new examples have been posted as PRs
to OpenDFDL at:

These use Daffodil in conjunction with spring framework, pubsub messaging,
and Google technologies like bigtable and firestore to create services that
parse binary data based on a repository of DFDL schemas.

I don't know much about those technologies ('cept Daffodil), so my reviews
are cursory at best.

I would recommend that Daffodil devs subscribe to, and possibly the other OpenDFDL
repositories, so you find out about PRs and such of these things as they
happen, review them if you can, and of course encourage new developers.

FYI: The software on OpenDFDL is intended to allow for a place where
open-source software integrated with Daffodil, as tools or examples, can be
posted where there is no official policy on releases, on what license
things must have, or on what other software components can be required,
etc.  A good example of this is the IBM DFDL cross-testing rig, which
depends on IBM DFDL, which is closed source and licensed.

Mike Beckerle
Apache Daffodil PMC |
OGF DFDL Workgroup Co-Chair |
Owl Cyber Defense |

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