I generally don't provide support advice here as it conflicts with my
business. However since you are always helping others, I thought I'd offer a
brief response.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alex Thurgood [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, 16 November 2005 7:00 AM
> To: dev@dba.openoffice.org
> Subject: Re: [dba-dev] oOo et access - publipostage
> Le samedi 12 novembre 2005 à 18:40 +0100, Coyote a écrit :
> Quick translation for those who don't "do" French ;-)
> > J'ai créé une appli sous access qui me permet de faire la gestion 
> > d'une association et des publipostages.
> I've created an application using Access that lets me manage 
> a club and mass mailing.
> > Je souhaite migrer vers oOo , malheureusement, je ne sais 
> pas si Base 
> > me permettra de faire tout ce que je fais dans Access 97.
> > 
> I'd like to migrate this application to OOo, but 
> unfortunately I don't know whether Base is capable of doing 
> all that I currently do with Access 97.

There are many things that Base can't do that MS Access can do. It all
depends on what you need. Each tool has a place.

> > je souhaite donc commencer par continuer d'utiliser access 
> et au lieu 
> > de lancer des documents word pour le publipostage, lancer des 
> > documents créés avec Writer... mais comment faire ???
> > 
> I'd thus like to continue using Access and instead of 
> starting Word for the mailing, start OOo Writer documents, but how ?

I see nothing wrong using MS Access with OpenOffice.org in this way. As an
Access developer I think this is a good approach.

Set up the MS Access database as a data source.
This is done by creating a New Database document in OpenOffice.org 2.0
Use the option to connect to an existing database and connect to the
Microsoft Access database.
Save the Database document. The MS Access database is now available as a
data source.

Next start exploring the Mail Merge facilities in OpenOffice.org.

My website has material on using MS Access with OpenOffice.org.
Unfortunately it requires payment so it is not suitable for everyone. The
MiniBook available on my website "OpenOffice.org Query  functions and MS
Access databases" shows the power of the combination of MS Access and
OpenOffice.org. It also provides tips, at least one that I believe is
critical for MS Access users to know.

> > merci pour votre aide.
> > 
> TIA,
> > --
> > @+ Coyote
> > Note : Pour répondre par email, effacer le '_sup' de l'adresse.
> > 
> To reply, delete sup from the address
> Alex

Kelvin Eldridge
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