Hi i am very interested in getting this driver to work with openoffice
and postgres on gentoo linux/unix.
I am followinf the installation guide for "OOo 2.0"
I have problems when following the guide:

1) When I try to find the "/path/to/openoffice/program." using the which
command I get nothing useful. Every other program I have compiled and
running including huge ones like kde and mozilla all are compatable with
I posted the problem here
<http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-427304-highlight-.html> on gentoos

I think the path is /usr/lib/openoffice/

2)I get "program # unopkg list
bash: unopkg: command not found"
("program # Is my prompt at the dir /usr/lib/openoffice/)

Yes I am loged in as root.
Yes I may be missing somthing
Yes it may be realy obvious

thank you for your time
any help would be great

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