(Down-)Loading a picture (from) into a DB

Hy there! I need some help with the following:

I'm trying to load and download pictures from databases (both embedded and external data sources like MySQL) using the API with OOoBasic.

I tested it with an embedded HSQL database. I could load the pictures through the GUI (it was very easy cause the on line help does not give a clue!). Once I get the connection, I create a statement
           oStatement = oConexion.createStatement
           sSQL = "SELECT titel, bild FROM bilde"
           'bild (=Bild, picture/image) is the LONGVARBINARY  field
           oResultSet = oStatement .executeQuery(sSQL)

According to the API reference, once we get the stream it returns an XinputStrean
So I try to do what usually works fine for me when I write and read files:
I give just the example of reading/getting the stream, but setting it gave me the same problem
Do While NOT IsNull(oResulSelt) AND oResultSet.Next
     sTitel = oResultSet.getString(1)
     oInputStream = oResultSet.getBinaryStream(2)
     'i = oInputStream.available() zero????!!!!!
      oFileAccess = createUnoService("com.sun.star.ucb.SimpleFileAccess")
oFile = oFileAccess.openFileWrite("file:///e:/dok/bilde/DATABASE/" & sTitel & ".png")
     oOutputStream = createUnoService("com.sun.star.io.DataOutputStream")
     Dim mData() as Variant
     n = -1
             While n <> 0
n = oInputStream.readBytes(mData(), oInputStream.Length) 'if the stream is too long I do not use Length, but a value xxxx
       ReDim mData() as Variant

The problem is that getBinaryStream return 0, so there is nothing to read.

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