Hi Ariel,

>>> as soon as Frank give us the gift of the UNO service for the copy Table 
>>> dialog, I will write a demo extension testing it ;-)
>> Hey, this got recorded :)
> I've read 
> http://www.openoffice.org/nonav/issues/showattachment.cgi/49153/copytablewizard.zip
> It looks really good.

I evolved a little bit from this early draft, but no serious changes.

I thing I think I cannot support with reasonable effort right now is
exporting to a database which does not exist as .odb file.

That is, for the source, I have working code which allows you to specify
"SourceDescriptor.ConnectionResource = "sdbc:dbase:file://...", this way
importing dBase files (same should work for text/csv, of course).
For the copy destination, there would be some work ahead, I am not sure
I will do this right now. (The existing implementation of the wizard
exclusively worked with .odb files, more concrete with SDB-level
connections, as opposed to SDBC-level connections which have less features.)

> Let me know when it gets included in a build/developer snapshot.

I might be able to give out a snapshot of the CWS where the thing is
developed, so you and others can give feedback before it actually is in
the official developer snapshots. Might allow for shorter cycles in
fixing issues you find. Only if you're interested in, of course.

> As you see studying never ends: for OOo 2.4 we'll have to learn how to 
> write help files  -- which by the way -- Andrew, are you there? -- give 
> me the idea to ship OOoBase related extra help files as extension:

Hey, that's a nice idea. I sometimes regret our help is as sparse as it
is (though I understand (though not appreciate) the reasons behind
this). Shipping more help as extension might be able to address this.
Sure the topics you can address should not be too closely related to
concrete UI (else you would need to update the extension too often), but
giving background knowledge in the online help could be a Good Thing (TM).


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer         [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
- Sun Microsystems                      http://www.sun.com/staroffice -
- OpenOffice.org Base                       http://dba.openoffice.org -
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