Hi Frank,

> small misunderstanding - supplying the default from within the driver
> is exactly the item which we don't have an infrastructure for. We can
> easily add a setting to database documents, default it so that the
> current behavior is unchanged - but then everybody creating an .odb
> for your database type, using your driver, needs to (once) change this
> setting.

That's still better than showing the dialog (in our case).

I'm still confused what is happening to the default values in Base. You
mentioned before that they never appear in the database and are stored
in the base document instead. Seems to be correct, they do never appear
in the database, but how is that done? As far as I can see the drivers
in the connectivity module all have methods like alterDefaultValue(),
dropDefaultValue() in their Table class, which are at least called from
alterColumnByName() and execute an respective SQL statements to alter
default values. I have tried to implement this in our driver, but when I
look at the trace output of our JDBC driver such a statement is never
executed and default values are not always changed correctly. Similar
with the create table statements, they should contain a string "default
..." but it never appears in the trace output. Do you perform some extra
parsing of the statements before they are sent to the 'real' driver,
remove the default stuff and save it to the database documents?

Best regards,

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