
On Fri, Jun 13, 2008 at 7:58 AM, Ocke Janssen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> Our extension is a UNO component and its output is a vector drawing.
>> Do you think that with rptchart02 Sun Report Builder would now be able
>> to accomodate such an extension? I got my hopes high, because charts
>> are similar to some extent, but from looking at the source code I find
>> that it is very specific to charts and not easily extended to other
>> UNO components.
> Yes it should work. When you create a new function like for example
> Author-function.java and you put the component context in the same list as
> the AUTHOR keyword, you can access it in your function. Your function has to
> do the same what it does in the ImageProducer. The functions gets evaluated
> and the result will be send to the image producer. So I guess 100 lines of
> code :-) But may be one or more things have to be done which we currently
> don't see. I would start by search for Author and Title in Java and in
> properties files.

Oh, I've missed these! Thanks a lot, I can get started now!

>> In fact I do not understand why Sun Report Builder writes the XML
>> directly when generating the report instead of using UNO to build and
>> save a document. I think that the current approach is rather rigid and
>> at the same time requires lots of extra effort on your part (writing
>> more and more complex XML generators). What was the reason for this
>> approach?
> It should be possible to generate many reports at a time. Where the
> resulting documents don't need to be loaded. Another reason is speed ;-)

Oh, I understand now.

Thanks for all the help!

Best regards,


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