I updated from 2.0.4 to 2.1 and found that the first access to as/400 
(iseries) databases is much slower than before.

OS/400 release is V4R5
ODBC driver is IBM iseries Acces v.

It happens on different machines and it is repeatable.
The reason seems to be that on accessing a library not only SYSTABLES, but 
also SYSCOLUMNS are read from the system catalog.
There are 1001 relevant records in SYSTABLES and 24838 in SYSCOLUMNS.

I checked the job protocol (QZDASOINIT job) and found that it had to 
allocate 15 x 16MB additional storage and the ended with an error message.

I don't know if this is a problem of os/400 or the ODBC driver, but it 
definitly happens with 2.1 and not with 2.0.4.

So does anybody know what has been changed in the Base module? Or how to 
solve the problem?

Tilmann Brenk

P.S. I originally posted this message to users@openoffice.org

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