
I'm having odd issues with adding a new m-may attribute to a custom 
metaObjectClass in our schema.  We created a custom class in the initial 
release of the software with the following ldif:

dn: m-oid=, ou=objectClasses, cn=conneqt-config, 
objectclass: metaObjectClass
objectclass: metaTop
objectclass: top
m-name: adapterMailbox
m-supObjectClass: top
m-must: email
m-must: smtpHost
m-must: smtpPort
m-must: userPassword

Further changes then required the addition of an optional enabled/disabled 
flag, so the following update ldif was created:

dn: m-oid=, ou=attributeTypes, cn=conneqt-config, 
objectclass: metaAttributeType
objectclass: metaTop
objectclass: top
m-name: isActiveFlag
m-description: A boolean flag to indicate if an entry is active or not
m-equality: caseIgnoreMatch
m-ordering: booleanMatch
m-length: 1
m-singleValue: TRUE

dn: m-oid=, ou=objectClasses, cn=conneqt-config, 
changetype: modify
add: m-may
m-may: isActiveFlag

Now the problems I have are two-fold: firstly, when I try to add the 
isActiveFlag attribute to an entry through Apache Directory Studio, it gives a 
warning saying the attribute type is not allowed.  Whilst I can click through 
this, the second problem is that when I try to add entries programmatically:

var name = string.Format("email={0}", emailAddress);
var entry = container.Children.Add(name, "adapterMailbox");
entry.Properties["userPassword"].Value = password;
entry.Properties["smtpHost"].Value = smtpHost;
entry.Properties["smtpPort"].Value = smtpPort;
entry.Properties["isActiveFlag"].Value = isActiveFlag;

It is throwing a DirectoryServicesCOMException with message "The requested 
operation did not satisfy one or more constraints associated with the class of 
the object."

Anyone able to shed any light on what might be going on?


Matthew Goudge
Quicksilva Systems Integration Solutions | www.qxlva.com<http://www.qxlva.com/>
Tel: 01249 751 000 | matthew.gou...@qxlva.com<mailto:matthew.gou...@qxlva.com>


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