Hi !

I'm closing this vote, with 5 binding votes :

* Shawn,
* Colm
* Stefan
* Lucas
* me

I will close the nexus repository, update the site, and do the
annoucement this week-end.

FTR, I have done some performance tests on this version, and I found
that writes are now 2 times faster (thanks to operation transactions),
but sadly reads are two times slower :/

I investigated, and I found a pretty stupid thing : we do update the
contextCSN for every read we do :/ This is because a flag is not
properly set when a write is completed. Once thsi flag is turned off,
writes are on pair with what we had on the previous version.

Anyway, expect a new release soon (one month ?) as I intend to make
transaction visible from the client. That would make it possible to
implement a faster bulk load of entries, by starting a transaction,
injecting N entries, and committing, all driven by the client.

In any case, this version should be usable, and I hoep its integration
in Studi will be easy :-)

Thanks for the votes !

Emmanuel Lecharny


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