Hi Charles,

I just ran some unit tests, using master, and did not see the 
drill.exec.grace_period_ms error that you saw.

drill.exec.grace_period_ms is defined in ExecConstants.java, is used in 
Drillbit startup in Drillbit.java, and has a value defined in 

In other words, it seems everything is set up the way it should be. I wonder, 
do you have an old version of drill-module.conf? If you check your working 
branch do you have any unexpected changes? ("git status"). Also, have you 
grabbed the latest master ranch recently? ("git checkout master; git pull 
apache master; git checkout <your branch>; git rebase master". Where "apache" 
is whatever you named your Drill Github remote.

- Paul


    On Tuesday, July 16, 2019, 6:45:01 PM PDT, Charles Givre <cgi...@gmail.com> 
> Also, I am working on updating a few format plugins and kept getting the 
> following error when I try to run unit tests:
> at org.apache.drill.test.ClusterFixture.<init>(ClusterFixture.java:152)
>    at 
>    at org.apache.drill.test.ClusterTest.startCluster(ClusterTest.java:83)
>    at 
> Caused by: com.typesafe.config.ConfigException$Missing: No configuration 
> setting found for key 'drill.exec.grace_period_ms'
>    at com.typesafe.config.impl.SimpleConfig.findKey(SimpleConfig.java:115)
>    at com.typesafe.config.impl.SimpleConfig.find(SimpleConfig.java:136)
>    at com.typesafe.config.impl.SimpleConfig.find(SimpleConfig.java:142)
>    at com.typesafe.config.impl.SimpleConfig.find(SimpleConfig.java:142)
>    at com.typesafe.config.impl.SimpleConfig.find(SimpleConfig.java:150)
>    at com.typesafe.config.impl.SimpleConfig.find(SimpleConfig.java:155)
>    at 
>    at com.typesafe.config.impl.SimpleConfig.getInt(SimpleConfig.java:181)
>    at org.apache.drill.common.config.NestedConfig.getInt(NestedConfig.java:96)
>    at org.apache.drill.common.config.DrillConfig.getInt(DrillConfig.java:44)
>    at org.apache.drill.common.config.NestedConfig.getInt(NestedConfig.java:96)
>    at org.apache.drill.common.config.DrillConfig.getInt(DrillConfig.java:44)
>    at org.apache.drill.exec.server.Drillbit.<init>(Drillbit.java:160)
>    at org.apache.drill.exec.server.Drillbit.<init>(Drillbit.java:138)
>    at 
>    at org.apache.drill.test.ClusterFixture.<init>(ClusterFixture.java:146)
>    ... 3 more
> Process finished with exit code 255
> I understand that I have to set the variable drill.exec.grace_period_ms, but 
> I'm not sure how/where to do this.  Here is the beginning of my unit test 
> code:
> @ClassRule
> public static final BaseDirTestWatcher dirTestWatcher = new 
> BaseDirTestWatcher();
> @BeforeClass
> public static void setup() throws Exception {
>  definePlugin();
> }
> private static void definePlugin() throws ExecutionSetupException {
>  ExcelFormatConfig sampleConfig = new ExcelFormatConfig();
>  // Define a temporary plugin for the "cp" storage plugin.
>  Drillbit drillbit = cluster.drillbit();
>  final StoragePluginRegistry pluginRegistry = 
>  final FileSystemPlugin plugin = (FileSystemPlugin) 
>  final FileSystemConfig pluginConfig = (FileSystemConfig) plugin.getConfig();
>  pluginConfig.getFormats().put("sample", sampleConfig);
>  pluginRegistry.createOrUpdate("cp", pluginConfig, false);
> }
> @Test
> public void testStarQuery() throws RpcException {
>  String sql = "SELECT * FROM cp.`excel/test_data.xlsx` LIMIT 5";
>  RowSet results = client.queryBuilder().sql(sql).rowSet();
>  TupleMetadata expectedSchema = new SchemaBuilder()
>          .add("id", TypeProtos.MinorType.FLOAT8, TypeProtos.DataMode.OPTIONAL)
>          .add("first__name", TypeProtos.MinorType.VARCHAR, 
>          .add("last__name", TypeProtos.MinorType.VARCHAR, 
>          .add("email", TypeProtos.MinorType.VARCHAR, 
>          .add("gender", TypeProtos.MinorType.VARCHAR, 
>          .add("birthdate", TypeProtos.MinorType.VARCHAR, 
>          .add("balance", TypeProtos.MinorType.FLOAT8, 
>          .add("order__count", TypeProtos.MinorType.FLOAT8, 
>          .add("average__order", TypeProtos.MinorType.FLOAT8, 
>          .buildSchema();
>  RowSet expected = new RowSetBuilder(client.allocator(), expectedSchema)
>          .addRow(1.0, "Cornelia", "Matej", "cmat...@mtv.com", "Female", 
>"10/31/1974", 735.29, 22.0, 33.42227273)
>          .addRow(2.0, "Nydia", "Heintsch", "nheints...@godaddy.com", 
>"Female", "12/10/1966", 784.14, 22.0, 35.64272727)
>          .addRow(3.0, "Waiter", "Sherel", "wsher...@utexas.edu", "Male", 
>"3/12/1961", 172.36, 17.0, 10.13882353)
>          .addRow(4.0, "Cicely", "Lyver", "clyv...@mysql.com", "Female", 
>"5/4/2000", 987.39, 6.0, 164.565)
>          .addRow(5.0, "Dorie", "Doe", "dd...@spotify.com", "Female", 
>"12/28/1955", 852.48, 17.0, 50.14588235)
>          .build();
>  new RowSetComparison(expected).verifyAndClearAll(results);
> }
> Thanks!
> -C

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