As noted above, the license of is changed to 'Apache
License 2.0'.
There are some files copied from spring-context-support to apache dubbo.

How about we add some declaration about this util java files in *LICENSE*
file.  For some code referenced from netty(Apache License 2.0),  we add
some declaration in like
this :

*This product contains a modified portion of 'Netty', an event-driven
asynchronous network application framework also under a "Apache
License 2.0" license, see
<>: *
io.netty.util.concurrent.FastThreadLocal *
io.netty.util.internal.InternalThreadLocalMap * io.netty.util.Timer *
io.netty.util.TimerTask * io.netty.util.Timeout *

What do you think?

Jun Liu <> 于2019年10月4日周五 下午2:55写道:

> Hi,
> I just went back and carefully checked the previous discussion on this
> thread and the classes in the ‘util’ package, there do still have some
> classes having the same problem. @Mercy, could you pease help to check this
> issue again?
> Personally, I think we have two ways to solve:
> 1. Rewrite the code completely.
> 2. Ask the owner for a software grant
> > If they do then we’ll get permission from them to be able to use it.
> Normally external code needs a software grant before it can be accepted
> into an Apache project.
> If we prefer the second way, what kind of permission should we ask from
> them?
> Jun
> > On Sep 30, 2019, at 8:41 PM, Justin Mclean <>
> wrote:
> >
> > HI,
> >
> >> I checked the commit[1], several methods were removed from the file. I
> think it’s ok to proceed now if the other codes were originally written by
> yourself. I can help to cancel this vote and start a new one with the
> latest codes.
> >>
> >> Before we doing that, let’s see what other people more familiar and
> sensitive with IP Clearance will say, especially opinions from Justin.
> >
> > I only see one file changed by that PR, there are several files that
> were copied from that repo (please correct me if that not the case), so I
> think we still have an issue here.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Justin


Best Regard!

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