Legend Overlap or Text Runs off screen

2023-05-01 Thread Stephen Rich
e: '2011 this is a really long litelkhjasdf asdf sdf', type: 'bar', data: [18203, 23489, 29034, 104970, 131744, 630230] }, { name: '2012 daf asdf dasf asdf asfd', type: 'bar', data: [19325, 23438, 31000, 121594, 134141, 681807] } ] }; Stephen Rich

Possible Bug?

2023-03-11 Thread Stephen Rich
Hello, I am trying to modify the example at https://echarts.apache.org/examples/en/editor.html?c=line-draggable to use stacked lines. When I change the xAxis to type: category the drag areas, shown in black below, are offset. It seems the myChart.convertFromPixel('grid', pos); is not

Smoothing Algorithm

2021-11-29 Thread Stephen Rich
Hello, I am using a draggable line chart as a method of user input with the series smooth feature set to true. See the yellow line below. The x-axis is the year. In this case, the user dragged the four drag points on the yellow line to produce the curve. I now need to know the value of the

Question about saving interactive chart state

2020-03-07 Thread Stephen Rich
Hello, I am using echarts and wanted to be able to save the interactive state of the chart. For example, I present a chart to my user with a lot of data one it. I want them to be able to select which data to see, which echarts supports today. However, I want the user to hit a save button to