"arr" is an instance of "ArrayCollection", not an instance of "

On 30 October 2013 17:49, Seema Makkar <seema.mak...@aricent.com> wrote:

> Hello all ,
> I have created customize class that extends Arraycollection
> For eg
> Public class PagingArrayCollection extends Arraycollection
> Now I have to cast ArrayCollection to PagingArrayCollection.
> Suppose
> Var arr: ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();
> Var lst: PagingArrayCollection= new PagingArrayCollection();
> Lst= arr;
> But it is giving Implict coercion
> If I will typecast
> Lst= arr as PagingArrayCollection;
> Then it is returning null values.
> How can we type cast?
> Please suggest.
> Thanks,
> Seema
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