For those new to git ... this is a nice read:

Am 06.04.2013 01:06, schrieb Justin Mclean:
> Hi,
>> Okay, at its heart, the danger Fred was worried about is that, using a merge 
>> workflow, the person who pulls the changes needs to make sure they commit 
>> all changes... even files they didn't touch, because they 'inherit' the 
>> merge.
> Do you have any advice on how to get around this issue in a simple way?
>  I would of though that those changes would of already been in develop (99% 
> of git pulls/git push are going to be from develop right?). Could this issue 
> occur in the develop branch? If so is it easy to recognise that it has 
> occurred and what would be the steps to fix it?
>> For those new to git, if you are using this workflow, take a look at 
>> SmartGit. 
> Thanks for the pointer will give it a go.
> Thanks,
> Justin

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