Re: FLINK-2066

2015-06-28 Thread Márton Balassi
Hey, Thanks for picking up the issue. This value can be specified as "execution-retries.delay" in the flink-conf.yaml. Hence you can check the associated value in the ConfigConstants [1] and track the way it is used. It is passed a couple of times, but is ultimately used in ExecutionGraph. [2] [1


2015-06-28 Thread Nuno Santos
Hi guys. I've been digging around the docs for the last few days and I am now ready to have a go at my first contribution. I chose FLINK-2066 and I am looking for some guidance. I understand the change will be associated to the ExecutionConfig c

[flink-ml] How to use ParameterMap in predict method?

2015-06-28 Thread Chiwan Park
Hi, I’m implementing k-nearest-neighbors classification based flink-ml structure. In recent commit (7a7a2940 [1]), the pipeline is restructured by dividing predict operation into case of a single element and case of data set. In case of data set, parameter map is given as a method parameter but

Re: Is there Any api that let DataStream join DataSet ?

2015-06-28 Thread Márton Balassi
Hi, Flink currently does not have explicit Api support for that, but is definitely possible to do. In fact Gyula (cc-d) mocked up a prototype for a similar problem some time ago. The idea needs some refinement to properly support all the viable use cases though and the streaming Api currently has