I entered code of Monitoring the Wikipedia Edit Stream which is a flink
example in intellij idea. I can run it without any problem. But when I make
a jar file of that, the jar file is not run. To make jar file, I follow this

Flile ---> Project Structure ---> Artifacts ---> jar ---> From modules with

I change the directory for META-INF to resources. After that I build the
artifact. The jar file is built; even though, I can not run it. When I want
to run it, I receive this error:

Exception in thread "main" com.typesafe.config.ConfigException$Missing: No
configuration setting found for key 'akka.version'

The strange things is that I follow above steps to make jar file for
helloworld program and the jar file is run without any issues. I think the
problem is because of flink dependencies.

I also tried to make a jar file in terminal. In fact, I downloaded all jar
file of dependencies and ran these commands:

javac -cp path/of/jar/file1:path/of/jar/fil2:...  path/of/java/file

jar -cvfm  test.jar  MANIFEST.MF  Wiki.class

I have already made a MANIFEST.MF file that it has main class.

When I run the jar file via this command:

java -jar test.jar

I receive this error:
Error: Could not find or load main class PooyaCo.WikipediaAnalysis

Would you please tell me if it is possible to make a jar file of Monitoring
the Wikipedia Edit Stream? 

Any help would be really much appreciated.

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