
I was working on the creating new Meter metric type, but I need some input
to define a proper interface for it.
Initial idea developed in this pull request [1] was to follow Dropwizard's
meter interface, but zentol suggested that we may need a different
interface for Flink use-cases. The issue with Dropwizard Meter interface is
that it only supports 1, 5, and 15 minutes rates, while we may need
different rates (e.g. sub-minute rate) or may not need one of these rates.

I think that a way to implement a flexible Meter type would be by adding
two methods:

List<Double> getRates()      // returns a list of rates a Meter supports,
e.g. {1, 5, 15} would mean that a particular Meter supports 1, 5, and 15
minutes rates
double getRate(double rate)       // get moving average for provided rate

What do you think about it?

Best regards,

[1] - https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/2374

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