Dear devs,

This is the third meeting after the feature freeze of Flink 1.20.

I'd like to share the information synced in the meeting.

- Timeline

Flink 1.20 doesn't have any blocker for now, and we hope all

Cross-team release testing can be finished next week.

We plan to start creating the 1.20.0-rc1 after next week if all testing is

- Cross-team release testing

All Release Testing Instructions are confirmed by developers,

and 10 features/flips need to be tested. Currently, 9 tests are assigned

to volunteers, and only FLINK-35697[1] is waiting for volunteers to pick up.

Welcome to pick FLINK-35697 up, thanks.

Also, we thank all the volunteers who participated in the testing.

tips: Weijie created the 1.20.0-rc0 [2], it's helpful for testing. Welcome

to use 1.20.0-rc0 to test these features/flips, and feel free to reply this

email if 1.20.0-rc0 has any issue.

-*Documentation & Release notes [Highlights]*

New features and behavior changes which without the 'Release Note'

or 'Documentation', please help to fill out column in the JIRA(click the

Edit button and pull the page to the center), which is important for

users and will be part of the release announcement.

-*Sync meeting[3]*

The next meeting is 07/09/2024 9:30am (UTC+2) and 3:30pm (UTC+8),

please feel free to join us.

Lastly, we encourage attendees to fill out the topics to be discussed at
the bottom of 1.20 wiki page[4] a day in advance, to make it easier for
everyone to understand the background of the topics, thanks!






Robert, Weijie, Ufuk and Rui

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