Dear Flink community,

In preparation for the 1.15 development cycle of Apache Flink (it already 
started) and preparing the release management we are collecting feedback from 
the community.
If you didn’t have a chance to look at the release announcement you might want 
to do that now [1]

Also watch out for the 1.14 release meetup [2] tomorrow and Flink Forward [3] 
next week.


We’d love to improve the experience for contributors and users going forward 
and if you want to help us do so I’d be very thankful to get some answers to 
the following questions.

** What features/changes will make your live easier/harder?

** Would you like to be more/less informed about the development process?

** In case you have contributed to that release, how was your experience?

** Do you have any questions regarding the 1.14 release?


I will share an anonymous overview of the feedback at a later stage.
Thanks for the answers in advance.



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