[Réponse sur la liste discuss uniquement]


Louis Suarez-Potts a annoncé la liste des candidats pour les sièges à
renouveler ou pourvoir au Community Council.
Ces candidats sont :
- Charles-H. Schulz pour le siège "Native Lang Confederation"
- Christoph Noack et Alexandro Colorado pour le siège "Product Development"
- Jürgen Schmidt pour le siège "Code Contributeur" (nouveau siège)

Louis a créé une page sur le wiki [0] d'où on peut accéder à leur bio et
leur déclaration d'acceptation de nomination à la candidature ou de
candidature. Vous pouvez leur demander les compléments d'information que
vous souhaitez.
Voir aussi le lien [1] pour les détails du processus électoral et [2]
pour en savoir plus sur le Community Council.

Ci-dessous le message original en anglais de Louis.

Bonne journée

> All,
> The nominees for this election cycle have been determined. They are
> Jürgen Schmidt, Charles-H. Schulz, Alexander Colorado, and Christoph
> Noack. You know them all already, so, with the candidates agreement,
> we have shortened the introductory period and hope to start voting
> later this week, perhaps by Thursday. I will send the necessary
> information for voting later on.
> I have posted a wiki page that links to the candidates' brief wiki bio
> (I didn't see Christoph's) and also their acceptance note.[0]  As
> well, the candidates have already been doing the necessary job of
> informing you, the OpenOffice.org Community, about themselves and why
> they want to join the Council.
> Feel free to ask them questions related to their goal.
> The candidates and the seats for which they are standing for election
> are described in the wiki. As well, the Election Process [1] is useful
> to go over, and the Council main page, which describes the CC and is
> current lineup, may help with understanding what we do and do not do.[2]
> Cheers,
> Louis
> [0]
> http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Community_Council/Items/Candidates_October_2009
> [1]
> http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Community_Council/Items/Election_Process_Proposal
> [2] http://council.openoffice.org/#council
> -- 
> Louis Suarez-Potts
> Community Manager
> OpenOffice.org

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