Found (encountered) another JDK 16 problem with Apache Geode (see StackTrace
Setting another (--add-opens JVM option to 'java.base/java.util=ALL-UNNAMED')
resolves this issue for now.
2021-05-10 15:10:25,458 ERROR xecutors.LoggingUncaughtExceptionHandler: 92 -
Uncaught exception in th
Thanks Bill (everyone) for the information.
For clarification, SDG primarily builds on Apache Geode GA versions (e.g.
1.13.2). This is true for 3rd party libs as well. We rarely, if ever, use
milestones or release candidates, much less snapshots, for any non-controlled
dependency, in the mainli
John, this doesn't speak to the general question of JDK version support.
But the particular stack trace you showed makes me wonder if the fix for
GEODE-9081 (landed on 3/30/21 on the develop branch) might get you a little
bit further. That commit 7ac9d7e4f0d04c99298067ca0611d9326e96d9cf