Re: [VOTE] Apache Geronimo Arthur 1.0.9 release

2024-04-07 Thread Romain Manni-Bucau
+1 and thanks a lot François side note for voters: knights can be broken on very recent graalvm (java 21+) due to a breaking change in svm sdk, we can move to the new one on next (1.1?) -> TBD on the list probably but take it into consideration during testing please. Romain Manni-Bucau @rmannibuc

[VOTE] Apache Geronimo Arthur 1.0.9 release

2024-04-07 Thread fpapon
Hi everyone, I submit Apache Geronimo Arthur 1.0.9 release to your vote. We fixed 1 issue: - [GERONIMO-6859] - Enable to use .zip from graal-ce for windows Staging Maven repository: Staging dist repository: https://dist