Hi All,

I am currently working on the project to implement gora-aerospike module to
gora. In looking at the aerospike data model [1], I could see that it does
not require the schema in order to proceed with. I have documented [2] the
basic details regarding the data model and as per the information I found,
in the mapping file it does not need to have the details of the fields as
the bins ( that correspond to columns in RDBMS) can be created in the fly
while creating the records.
So I have come up with this design [3] for the mapping file for aerospike
which is much different from the available other mapping files due to the
absense of the fields.
At the moment I have implemented the 'put' method [4] and it works fine
with this design.

It will be great to have feedback regarding the taken approach as I am
still in the initial stage of the design.


Thank you and regards
Nishadi Kirielle

University of Moratuwa - Sri Lanka

Mobile : +94 70 204 5934
Blog : nishadikirielle.wordpress.com

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