Hi Maria.

Congratulations!!! and welcome on board.

Please make sure you sign the internship agreement and follow all the
instructions of the Outreachy program.

Also, you will have to add a weekly report with progress on the Wiki of
Apache Gora. You can use the GSoC reports as an example [1], but please
create a new page for your project in the Outreachy section. And I
recommend that you upload your proposed timeline and basic information of
the project on another page similar to this [2], you can copy & paste the
contents of the project description on the Outreachy platform.

BTW, I think Kevin Ratnasekera can grant permissions on Cwiki, please send
us your username of cwiki.





---------- Forwarded message ---------
De: Outreachy Organizers <organiz...@outreachy.org>
Date: lun, 23 nov 2020 a las 11:01
Subject: Maria Podorvanova accepted for Outreachy
To: Maria Podorvanova <podorvanova.ma...@gmail.com>, djkevincr <
djkevincr1...@gmail.com>, John Mora <jhnmora...@gmail.com>, madhawa <
madh...@apache.org>, Carlos Muñoz <carlosr...@gmail.com>, Matt Sicker <
boa...@gmail.com>, Awasum Yannick <awa...@apache.org>, Katia Rojas <

Congratulations on being accepted for the December 2020 to March 2021
Outreachy internship round!

You have been selected as an intern for Apache working with your mentors
djkevincr and John Mora and madhawa and Carlos Muñoz on the project "Add a
datastore for Elasticsearch in Apache Gora". The Apache coordinators are
Matt Sicker and Awasum Yannick and Katia Rojas, who are on Cc.

If you don't plan on participating as an intern, please let us know as soon
as possible. The later you wait, the less likely it is we'll be able to
fill the internship with another candidate.

Time Commitment

Your approval to participate in Outreachy is based on the time commitments
you listed in your initial application:

If your time commitments are incorrect or have changed (such as if you have
a job that is not listed on your initial application), please contact us

Minimum hours per week policy:
 - If an intern's school terms have shifted due to COVID-19 impacts, they
will only be required to work 10 hours a week during classes and exams.
 - If an intern is otherwise impacted by COVID-19, they will only be
required to work 30 hours a week.
 - Interns who are not impacted by COVID-19 are required to work 40 hours a
 - Please read our COVID-19 policy for this round for details:

Interns are required to work for 12 weeks of the Outreachy internship's 13
week duration.

Please reach out to your mentor if you are impacted by COVID-19. You'll
need to create a plan for a reduced project timeline.

Internship Guide

Please bookmark the Outreachy Internship Guide:


The internship guide has important dates such as feedback deadlines,
payment dates, and intern/mentor chat dates. It also provides information
on blog prompt topics and dates.

What happens next

This email outlines the next steps for participating in the program, so
please read it carefully. The first most important steps are:

 1. Log into the Outreachy website and click the 'Accept Internship' button
on your dashboard: https://www.outreachy.org/dashboard This will prompt you
to sign the internship agreement.

 2. Double check that your public information on the announcement page is
correct: https://www.outreachy.org/alums/ If you want to add a photo or you
need any changes, you can change your public name, location, pronouns (and
their public visibility settings), and links to Twitter, GitLab, and GitHub
on your account page. https://www.outreachy.org/account/

 3. Set an email filter to ensure all emails from outreachy.org and
sfconservancy.org go to your Inbox.

 4. Respond to the Software Freedom Conservancy with your tax form W-9 or
W8-BEN by Dec. 11, 2020.

 5. Create a blog to use to document your Outreachy internship. You will be
required to blog every two weeks (more details on that below).

 6. Add the blog URL and RSS feed link to your profile:

 7. Contact your mentor.

 8. Start your internship on Dec. 1, 2020.

The rest of the email outlines important steps to take in the next week.

Internship Agreement

You will need to log into the Outreachy site and accept the Outreachy
internship agreement by Nov. 28, 2020:


This is a legal document. You cannot participate in the internship unless
you sign the internship agreement. The internship agreement asserts the
information you provided on your initial and final application is accurate
and correct. This includes the time commitments you provided on your
initial application.

Make sure to email organiz...@outreachy.org if your time commitments have
changed or will change. Your time commitments can be viewed here:


Legal Name

You will need to provide your full legal name as your electronic signature
on the internship agreement. You will also need to use your full legal name
on your tax paperwork. Please make sure the names match.

Only Outreachy organizers (Marina, Sage, Karen, Cindy, and Tony) and
Software Freedom Conservancy staff will see your legal name. You may use a
nickname, pseudonym, or a shortened name for working with Outreachy
mentors. You can also use a nickname, pseudonym, or shortened name for
display on the Outreachy alums page.

Payment Accounting

Outreachy's fiscal sponsor, Software Freedom Conservancy, will be handling
payment processing.

Conservancy uses an email-based accounting ticketing system. Please make
sure to reply-all and keep the ticket number in the email subject line. If
you try to contact individual Conservancy employees, that will not be
recorded on the ticket, and it may slow down the processing of your
accounting ticket.

Please treat Conservancy accounting staff with respect. The Outreachy Code
of Conduct also applies to communication with Conservancy employees.

Payments schedule

Your payments will be sent on the following schedule. See the Internship
Guide for full details: http://www.outreachy.org/docs/internship/#payments

 * The $2000 initial payment will be issued by Jan. 10, 2021
 * The $2000 mid-point payment will be issued by Feb. 11, 2021
 * The $2000 final payment will be issued by April 1, 2021

Your payments may be delayed if:

 * You do not turn in payment routing and tax forms by Dec. 11, 2020
 * Your mentor does not provide feedback by the initial, mid-point, or
final feedback deadlines
 * You have a custom internship start date or an internship extension

Tax forms

Once the deadline to sign the internship agreement is passed (Nov. 28,
2020), we will send the intern agreements to Conservancy. They will then
email you to ask for tax forms.

Depending on the country you reside in, you will be asked to provide either
a W-9 or a W8-BEN form.

Tax forms and payment routing information are due by Dec. 11, 2020. Tax
forms are required in order to be paid the internship stipend. You may be
dropped from the program if you are asked for a form and you do not provide
it within a month.

Travel Allowance

All travel using the Outreachy travel stipend is prohibited. You will
receive your travel stipend as part of your internship payment.

Intern Blog

You are required to blog every two weeks about your internship. The
Outreachy organizers will email you blog post prompts. Please see the
Internship Guide for the blog post prompt schedule, and recommendations on
how to set up your blog:


Please update your profile https://www.outreachy.org/account/ with a link
to both the URL for your blog, and (optionally) the RSS feed for your blog.

E-mails for coordinators and mentors

organiz...@outreachy.org is an email shared by the organizers of the
program (Cindy Pallares, Karen Sandler, Tony Sebro, Sage Sharp, and Marina

Please feel free to e-mail us if you have any general questions about the
program at any time. Please always e-mail that address, and not one of us
individually. Please make sure to always use "Reply to All".

For the questions specific to your organization, please contact your
mentor, the organization's coordinator or a relevant community mailing
list, chat, or forum.

Outreachy chat server

You will receive an invitation to a private Outreachy chat server. The chat
server includes all accepted interns for this round, Outreachy mentors,
coordinators, and organizers. The chat server is meant for you to connect
on a personal level to other Outreachy participants. You should still also
participate in the public communication channels for your project and

If you haven't received an email invitation to the Outreachy chat server in
a week, please let the Outreachy organizers know.

Outreachy opportunities

Outreachy wants to ensure you find additional opportunities. We have an
opportunities mailing list that is open to sponsors, current interns,
alumni, and current and past mentors of Outreachy. Members are encouraged
to post job opportunities, other internship programs, conference speaking
calls for proposals, and conference travel grant opportunities.


You can also see a list of sponsor job pages here:



Outreachy has a Twitter account @outreachy https://twitter.com/outreachy

Please add your twitter handle to your Outreachy website account if you'd
like us to follow you. https://www.outreachy.org/account/

When you are promoting your blogs on Twitter, please make sure to tag
@outreachy. We may retweet intern tweets that use the @outreachy tag. If
you don't want us to retweet you, don't add the @outreachy tag, and just
use the word Outreachy.

More questions?

Please let us know your additional questions or concerns! Email us at

Good luck with your internship, and congratulations!

Outreachy Organizers

This is an automated email sent via Django on https://www.outreachy.org
You are receiving this email because you completed an initial application
for Outreachy.
If you feel you have received this email in error, please contact
"Outreachy Organizers" <organiz...@outreachy.org>

Reply via email to