I went ahead and joined on the-asf.slack.com and created an #hbase channel.
There are lots of channels for different projects already.
Anybody with an @apache.org email can join and anybody that is already
joined can invite others.
I don't think there's any concept of 'official' channels, but it
If ASF has "official" slack channels then migrating over to it might be
just the logical thing to do?
On Sat, Oct 14, 2017 at 7:46 AM, Mike Drob wrote:
> Prefacing this with the disclaimer that I'm not a regular slack user, so I
> don't know what serves those users best.
> Are we cur
Prefacing this with the disclaimer that I'm not a regular slack user, so I
don't know what serves those users best.
Are we currently in the free slack tier with limited history? Would we
consider something like using slackarchive.io at community tier to get
searchable archives? This also provides