TestRemoteTable hung in this run:

kalashnikov:hbase.git.commit stack$ python
Building remotely on H7 (Mapreduce Falcon Hadoop Pig Zookeeper Tez Hdfs
yahoo-not-h2) in workspace
Printing hanging tests
Hanging test : org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.client.TestRemoteTable
Printing Failing tests

On Mon, Feb 1, 2016 at 1:58 PM, Apache Jenkins Server <
jenk...@builds.apache.org> wrote:

> See <
> https://builds.apache.org/job/HBase-1.3/jdk=latest1.7,label=yahoo-not-h2/527/
> >
> ------------------------------------------
> [...truncated 45449 lines...]
> [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.3.1:install (default-install) @
> hbase-thrift ---
> [INFO] Installing <
> https://builds.apache.org/job/HBase-1.3/jdk=latest1.7,label=yahoo-not-h2/ws/hbase-thrift/target/hbase-thrift-1.3.0-SNAPSHOT.jar>
> to <
> https://builds.apache.org/job/HBase-1.3/jdk=latest1.7,label=yahoo-not-h2/ws/.repository/org/apache/hbase/hbase-thrift/1.3.0-SNAPSHOT/hbase-thrift-1.3.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
> >
> [INFO] Installing <
> https://builds.apache.org/job/HBase-1.3/jdk=latest1.7,label=yahoo-not-h2/527/artifact/hbase-thrift/pom.xml>
> to <
> https://builds.apache.org/job/HBase-1.3/jdk=latest1.7,label=yahoo-not-h2/ws/.repository/org/apache/hbase/hbase-thrift/1.3.0-SNAPSHOT/hbase-thrift-1.3.0-SNAPSHOT.pom
> >
> [INFO] Installing <
> https://builds.apache.org/job/HBase-1.3/jdk=latest1.7,label=yahoo-not-h2/ws/hbase-thrift/target/hbase-thrift-1.3.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar>
> to <
> https://builds.apache.org/job/HBase-1.3/jdk=latest1.7,label=yahoo-not-h2/ws/.repository/org/apache/hbase/hbase-thrift/1.3.0-SNAPSHOT/hbase-thrift-1.3.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar
> >
> [INFO] Installing <
> https://builds.apache.org/job/HBase-1.3/jdk=latest1.7,label=yahoo-not-h2/ws/hbase-thrift/target/hbase-thrift-1.3.0-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar>
> to <
> https://builds.apache.org/job/HBase-1.3/jdk=latest1.7,label=yahoo-not-h2/ws/.repository/org/apache/hbase/hbase-thrift/1.3.0-SNAPSHOT/hbase-thrift-1.3.0-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar
> >
> [INFO]
> [INFO]
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO] Building Apache HBase - Rest 1.3.0-SNAPSHOT
> [INFO]
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO]
> [INFO] --- maven-enforcer-plugin:1.0.1:enforce (enforce) @ hbase-rest ---
> [INFO]
> [INFO] --- buildnumber-maven-plugin:1.3:create-timestamp (default) @
> hbase-rest ---
> [INFO]
> [INFO] --- maven-antrun-plugin:1.6:run (generate) @ hbase-rest ---
> [INFO] Executing tasks
> main:
>     [mkdir] Created dir: <
> https://builds.apache.org/job/HBase-1.3/jdk=latest1.7,label=yahoo-not-h2/ws/hbase-rest/target/hbase-webapps
> >
>      [copy] Copying 1 file to <
> https://builds.apache.org/job/HBase-1.3/jdk=latest1.7,label=yahoo-not-h2/ws/hbase-rest/target/hbase-webapps
> >
> log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.mortbay.log).
> log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
> log4j:WARN See http://logging.apache.org/log4j/1.2/faq.html#noconfig for
> more info.
>     [mkdir] Created dir: <
> https://builds.apache.org/job/HBase-1.3/jdk=latest1.7,label=yahoo-not-h2/ws/hbase-rest/target/hbase-webapps/rest/WEB-INF
> >
> [INFO] Executed tasks
> [INFO]
> [INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.9.1:add-source
> (jspcSource-packageInfo-source) @ hbase-rest ---
> [INFO] Source directory: <
> https://builds.apache.org/job/HBase-1.3/jdk=latest1.7,label=yahoo-not-h2/ws/hbase-rest/target/generated-sources/java>
> added.
> [INFO]
> [INFO] --- maven-remote-resources-plugin:1.5:process (default) @
> hbase-rest ---
> [INFO]
> [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:resources (default-resources) @
> hbase-rest ---
> [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
> [INFO] Copying 2 resources
> [INFO] Copying 3 resources
> [INFO]
> [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:2.5.1:compile (default-compile) @
> hbase-rest ---
> [INFO] Compiling 71 source files to <
> https://builds.apache.org/job/HBase-1.3/jdk=latest1.7,label=yahoo-not-h2/ws/hbase-rest/target/classes
> >
> [INFO]
> [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:testResources
> (default-testResources) @ hbase-rest ---
> [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
> [INFO] Copying 6 resources
> [INFO] Copying 3 resources
> [INFO]
> [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:2.5.1:testCompile (default-testCompile) @
> hbase-rest ---
> [INFO] Compiling 38 source files to <
> https://builds.apache.org/job/HBase-1.3/jdk=latest1.7,label=yahoo-not-h2/ws/hbase-rest/target/test-classes
> >
> [INFO]
> [INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.18.1:test (default-test) @ hbase-rest
> ---
> [INFO] Surefire report directory: <
> https://builds.apache.org/job/HBase-1.3/jdk=latest1.7,label=yahoo-not-h2/ws/hbase-rest/target/surefire-reports
> >
> [INFO] Using configured provider
> org.apache.maven.surefire.junitcore.JUnitCoreProvider
> [INFO] parallel='none', perCoreThreadCount=true, threadCount=0,
> useUnlimitedThreads=false, threadCountSuites=0, threadCountClasses=0,
> threadCountMethods=0, parallelOptimized=true
> -------------------------------------------------------
>  T E S T S
> -------------------------------------------------------
> Running org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.TestDeleteRow
> Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 10.252 sec
> - in org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.TestDeleteRow
> Running org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.TestScannersWithLabels
> Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 2.876 sec
> - in org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.TestScannersWithLabels
> Running org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.TestVersionResource
> Tests run: 7, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 2.754 sec
> - in org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.TestVersionResource
> Running org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.TestStatusResource
> Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 2.166 sec
> - in org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.TestStatusResource
> Running org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.TestScannersWithFilters
> Tests run: 10, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 4.841 sec
> - in org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.TestScannersWithFilters
> Running org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.TestResourceFilter
> Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.459 sec
> - in org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.TestResourceFilter
> Running org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.model.TestTableInfoModel
> Tests run: 6, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.159 sec
> - in org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.model.TestTableInfoModel
> Running org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.model.TestCellModel
> Tests run: 6, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.112 sec
> - in org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.model.TestCellModel
> Running org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.model.TestColumnSchemaModel
> Tests run: 6, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.566 sec
> - in org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.model.TestColumnSchemaModel
> Running org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.model.TestVersionModel
> Tests run: 6, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.203 sec
> - in org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.model.TestVersionModel
> Running org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.model.TestNamespacesModel
> Tests run: 6, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.614 sec
> - in org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.model.TestNamespacesModel
> Running org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.model.TestNamespacesInstanceModel
> Tests run: 6, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.61 sec -
> in org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.model.TestNamespacesInstanceModel
> Running org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.model.TestTableRegionModel
> Tests run: 8, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.611 sec
> - in org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.model.TestTableRegionModel
> Running org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.model.TestTableSchemaModel
> Tests run: 6, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.221 sec
> - in org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.model.TestTableSchemaModel
> Running org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.model.TestStorageClusterVersionModel
> Tests run: 6, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.557 sec
> - in org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.model.TestStorageClusterVersionModel
> Running org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.model.TestStorageClusterStatusModel
> Tests run: 6, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.283 sec
> - in org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.model.TestStorageClusterStatusModel
> Running org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.model.TestRowModel
> Tests run: 6, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.539 sec
> - in org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.model.TestRowModel
> Running org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.model.TestCellSetModel
> Tests run: 6, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.164 sec
> - in org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.model.TestCellSetModel
> Running org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.model.TestTableListModel
> Tests run: 6, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.199 sec
> - in org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.model.TestTableListModel
> Running org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.model.TestScannerModel
> Tests run: 6, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.176 sec
> - in org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.model.TestScannerModel
> Running org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.client.TestRemoteTable
> Running org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.client.TestRemoteAdminRetries
> Tests run: 7, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.618 sec
> - in org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.client.TestRemoteAdminRetries
> Running org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.client.TestRemoteHTableRetries
> Tests run: 7, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.626 sec
> - in org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.client.TestRemoteHTableRetries
> Running org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.TestGetAndPutResource
> Tests run: 18, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 72.436
> sec - in org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.TestGetAndPutResource
> Running org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.TestNamespacesInstanceResource
> Tests run: 5, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 14.612 sec
> - in org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.TestNamespacesInstanceResource
> Running org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.TestGzipFilter
> Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 2.95 sec -
> in org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.TestGzipFilter
> Running org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.TestSchemaResource
> Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 10.056 sec
> - in org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.TestSchemaResource
> Running org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.TestMultiRowResource
> Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 3.139 sec
> - in org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.TestMultiRowResource
> Running org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.TestTableResource
> Tests run: 8, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 3.751 sec
> - in org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.TestTableResource
> Running org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.TestScannerResource
> Tests run: 5, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 4.734 sec
> - in org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.TestScannerResource
> Running org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.TestTableScan
> Tests run: 10, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 12.735
> sec - in org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.TestTableScan
> Running org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.TestNamespacesResource
> Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 9.704 sec
> - in org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.TestNamespacesResource
> Running org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.TestGZIPResponseWrapper
> Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.481 sec
> - in org.apache.hadoop.hbase.rest.TestGZIPResponseWrapper
> Results :
> Tests run: 183, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0
> [INFO]
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO] Reactor Summary:
> [INFO]
> [INFO] Apache HBase ...................................... SUCCESS
> [52.082s]
> [INFO] Apache HBase - Checkstyle ......................... SUCCESS [4.419s]
> [INFO] Apache HBase - Resource Bundle .................... SUCCESS [0.188s]
> [INFO] Apache HBase - Annotations ........................ SUCCESS [1.082s]
> [INFO] Apache HBase - Protocol ........................... SUCCESS
> [16.228s]
> [INFO] Apache HBase - Common ............................. SUCCESS
> [2:12.211s]
> [INFO] Apache HBase - Procedure .......................... SUCCESS
> [3:20.842s]
> [INFO] Apache HBase - Client ............................. SUCCESS
> [1:20.674s]
> [INFO] Apache HBase - Hadoop Compatibility ............... SUCCESS [7.773s]
> [INFO] Apache HBase - Hadoop Two Compatibility ........... SUCCESS [8.523s]
> [INFO] Apache HBase - Prefix Tree ........................ SUCCESS [9.585s]
> [INFO] Apache HBase - Server ............................. SUCCESS
> [1:19:27.151s]
> [INFO] Apache HBase - Testing Util ....................... SUCCESS [1.791s]
> [INFO] Apache HBase - Thrift ............................. SUCCESS
> [3:45.908s]
> [INFO] Apache HBase - Rest ............................... FAILURE
> [21:11.676s]
> [INFO] Apache HBase - Shell .............................. SKIPPED
> [INFO] Apache HBase - Integration Tests .................. SKIPPED
> [INFO] Apache HBase - Examples ........................... SKIPPED
> [INFO] Apache HBase - External Block Cache ............... SKIPPED
> [INFO] Apache HBase - Assembly ........................... SKIPPED
> [INFO] Apache HBase - Shaded ............................. SKIPPED
> [INFO] Apache HBase - Shaded - Client .................... SKIPPED
> [INFO] Apache HBase - Shaded - Server .................... SKIPPED
> [INFO]
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO]
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO] Total time: 1:53:17.143s
> [INFO] Finished at: Mon Feb 01 21:55:23 UTC 2016
> [INFO] Final Memory: 119M/745M
> [INFO]
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [ERROR] Failed to execute goal
> org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:2.18.1:test (default-test)
> on project hbase-rest: There was a timeout or other error in the fork ->
> [Help 1]
> [ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the
> -e switch.
> [ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
> [ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions,
> please read the following articles:
> [ERROR] [Help 1]
> http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/MAVEN/MojoFailureException
> [ERROR] After correcting the problems, you can resume the build with the
> command
> [ERROR]   mvn <goals> -rf :hbase-rest
> Build step 'Invoke top-level Maven targets' marked build as failure
> Performing Post build task...
> Match found for :.* : True
> Logical operation result is TRUE
> Running script  : # Post-build task script. TODO: Check this in and have
> all builds reference check-in.
> pwd && ls
> # NOTE!!!! The below code has been copied and pasted from
> ./dev-tools/run-test.sh
> # Do not change here without syncing there and vice-versa.
> ZOMBIE_TESTS_COUNT=`jps -v | grep surefirebooter | grep -e '-Dhbase.test'
> | wc -l`
> if [[ $ZOMBIE_TESTS_COUNT != 0 ]] ; then
>  echo "Suspicious java process found - waiting 30s to see if there are
> just slow to stop"
>  sleep 30
>  ZOMBIE_TESTS_COUNT=`jps -v | grep surefirebooter | grep -e '-Dhbase.test'
> | wc -l`
>  if [[ $ZOMBIE_TESTS_COUNT != 0 ]] ; then
>    echo " {color:red}There appear to be $ZOMBIE_TESTS_COUNT zombie
> tests{color}, they should have been killed by surefire but survived"
>    jps -v | grep surefirebooter | grep -e '-Dhbase.test'
>    jps -v | grep surefirebooter | grep -e '-Dhbase.test' | cut -d ' ' -f 1
> | xargs -n 1 jstack
>    # Exit with error
>    exit 1
>  else
>    echo "We're ok: there is no zombie test, but some tests took some time
> to stop"
>  fi
> else
>   echo "We're ok: there is no zombie test"
> fi
> [yahoo-not-h2] $ /bin/bash -xe /tmp/hudson13326349047238126.sh
> + pwd
> <
> https://builds.apache.org/job/HBase-1.3/jdk=latest1.7,label=yahoo-not-h2/ws/
> >
> + ls
> bin
> conf
> dev-support
> hbase-annotations
> hbase-assembly
> hbase-checkstyle
> hbase-client
> hbase-common
> hbase-examples
> hbase-external-blockcache
> hbase-hadoop2-compat
> hbase-hadoop-compat
> hbase-it
> hbase-native-client
> hbase-prefix-tree
> hbase-procedure
> hbase-protocol
> hbase-resource-bundle
> hbase-rest
> hbase-server
> hbase-shaded
> hbase-shell
> hbase-testing-util
> hbase-thrift
> NOTICE.txt
> pom.xml
> README.txt
> src
> target
> ++ jps -v
> ++ grep surefirebooter
> ++ grep -e -Dhbase.test
> ++ wc -l
> + [[ 1 != 0 ]]
> + echo 'Suspicious java process found - waiting 30s to see if there are
> just slow to stop'
> Suspicious java process found - waiting 30s to see if there are just slow
> to stop
> + sleep 30
> ++ jps -v
> ++ grep surefirebooter
> ++ grep -e -Dhbase.test
> ++ wc -l
> + [[ 0 != 0 ]]
> + echo 'We'\''re ok: there is no zombie test, but some tests took some
> time to stop'
> We're ok: there is no zombie test, but some tests took some time to stop
> Archiving artifacts
> Recording test results

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