Also filed HBASE-23893 <> to
keep track of the relevant work in HBase.

I'd like to gather the feedback from the HBase community. Once branch-2.8
is EOL, what's the plan of Hadoop 2.x support?
IMHO Hadoop 2.9 EOL would be the next. The last 2.9 release was 15 months
ago and doesn't look like any one's picking it up.

I don't think HBase is certified to run on Hadoop 2.10 yet.
But in my opinion, I'd like to see Hadoop reducing Hadoop 2.x footprint
sooner than later.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Wei-Chiu Chuang <>
Date: Mon, Feb 17, 2020 at 9:44 AM
Subject: [DISCUSS] EOL Hadoop branch-2.8
To: Hadoop Common <>, Hdfs-dev <>, yarn-dev <>,
mapreduce-dev <>

The last Hadoop 2.8.x release, 2.8.5, was GA on September 15th 2018.

It's been 17 months since the release and the community by and large have
moved up to 2.9/2.10/3.x.

With Hadoop 3.3.0 over the horizon, is it time to start the EOL discussion
and reduce the number of active branches?

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