See John's comment below.

On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 11:14 AM, John Sichi <> wrote:

> Until HBase has a well-defined separation between client and server,
> including protocol compatibility across versions, the situation is going to
> remain sticky.
> I think I heard that 0.89 and 0.90 should be protocol compatible, but I
> haven't confirmed that.  If it's true, then you should be able to just use
> Hive 0.7 as is (with the 0.89 jars) against an HBase 0.90 cluster.
> If that's not true, then follow the procedure described in the wiki page to
> rebuild Hive from source after editing ivy/ to change
> the hbase.version property.
> I'm not sure about the Hadoop append part; maybe someone else knows the
> answer regarding the Hive/HBase dependencies there.
> On Apr 10, 2011, at 9:49 AM, <>
>  wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I am using the hive/hbase integration (which is a great feature) on a
> standalone one machine environment. For production I set up a hadoop cluster
> and now hbase. Here
> >
> > I read I should use hbase 0.89.
> > And here
> >
> > its written you must use "the sync-supporting Hadoop jar".
> > Does the following setup will work?
> > I chose hbase 0.90 (I couldn't find 0.89). Because of the sync-supporting
> I would take the hadoop-core-0.20-append.jar from hbase 0.90 release and
> replace the hadoop jars in my hadoop installations with that. The hbase 0.90
> jar I will replace with the 0.89 jar from the hive 0.7.0 release. Will it
> come to compatibility trouble with this version setup? And what about
> stability and version updates in future...
> >
> > Thanks
> > labtrax
> >
> > --
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