1. SQL:
select '201804' month_id,
       '-1' std_prvnce_cd,
       '-1' std_latn_cd,
             when t.billing_cycle_id = '201804' and
                  t.target_code = 'M1101100001' then
           end) n_dy_yd_cz,
             when t.billing_cycle_id = '201803' and
                  t.target_code = 'M1101100001' then
           end) n_sy_yd_cz
  from ods_db.ta_collect_target_m t
 where t.billing_cycle_id in ('201804', '201803', '201704')
   and t.target_code in
       ('M1101100001', 'M1103100012', 'M1290100001', 'M1290100002')
 group by '201804', '-1', '-1';

--201804  -1      -1      -1.0    2.85372191E8  <--result

2.SQL Explain Result:

Version:Hive 1.1, CDH 5.4.7

*As we can see from the first picture, the fourth column in result should
be a double type, but it shows -1.0, this is incorrect.*
*The second picture, value expressions should be two double type, but it
shows string and double.*
*This problem has been resolved in 5.7.2, we want to know the related JIRAs
or reason.*

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