Hi Team,

    I have a scenario where based on UGI (user), I will fetch custom
(dynamic) config from external system and will update Hadoop Configuration
( from custom HiveAuthorizationProvider).

   Let's say a users - A, B and C have connected at same time to HiveMeta
store. Now my custom HiveAuthorizationProvider will fetch config for each
of user A,B and C in different context.

If HiveAuthorizationProvider  (invoked for A, B, C)  adds custom properties
to Hadoop Conf, will properties added by A is visible to B and C? Or Hadoop
Conf is separate (scoped) for different execution of A,B and C?

Assuming HiveServer2 (hive.server2.enable.doAs=true) is communicating with
Hive MetaStore ?

Thank You,
Shrikant Bang.

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