
In our project we are using Hive 1.1.0 and it seems that we are hitting the 
problem described in this ticket (see subject)
The ticket is said to be resolved for Hive 1.1.1.
I wanted to tried Hive 1.1.1 to see if it fixes our issue. So I downloaded the 
release version of Hive 1.1.1.

But then when I was looking at the code in github for the tag ‘release-1.1.1’ I 
was not seeing the code that is in the attached patch of the ticket.
For instance in 
https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/attachment/12765459/HIVE-11408.2.patch, I 
see that this file:


should have been modified to include some piece of code after 

If I look here: 
I do not see it.

But if I look here: 
I do see it!

I have disassembled the hive-exec jar file that I downloaded before and I do 
not see the new code.

Note also that the ticked is listed here as fixed in 1.1.1 : 

Did download some wrong hive 1.1.1?
I got it from https://archive.apache.org/dist/hive/hive-1.1.1/ and indeed the 
date is prior to the fix.
I just tried to download the hive-exe 1.1.1 maven artifact and again the fix is 
not there.

So what’s the deal?
Should I build the ‘branch-1.1.1’ myself?

Thank you,

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